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SEND and safeguarding


With highly trained and expert staff, and a qualified SENDCO teacher, 345 Balham is well positioned to support children with SEN.

345’s Headmistresses Jill Pearce and Katka Goodbody have attended “The Role of The SENCO” training provided by Wandsworth Council which is relevant and up to date. Jill has attended many training courses to support children with SEN. Katka and Ruth have been trained to use Makaton. Katka attended and completed Level 3 SEN Programme in January 2019.

If you’d like to discuss more about our SEN offering, you can contact us here to set up a meeting.



Our Policy Statement and Procedures are influenced and underpinned by the following Acts, Legislation and Government Recommendations, Policies and Mandatory Frameworks -


Children's Act 1989

Children's Act 2004

Prevent duty guidance 2015 EYFS

Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015

Wandsworth Safeguarding Children Board

London Child Protection Procedures (5th Edition 2015)

SEND code of practice 2015

Equality Act 2010

EYFS Statutory Framework 2021

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015

Keeping children safe in education - Statutory guidance for schools and colleges 2015