Kits News - 15th September 2023

This week the Kits have been learning about our Classroom Principles of ‘Kind Hearts’, ‘Gentle Hands’, ‘Listening Ears’, ‘Walking Feet’ and ‘Taking Turns’.

The Classroom Principles set the behavioural expectations for the children at nursery and they help to keep us all safe. The children have been busy practising these principles throughout the week and we are so proud of how quickly they are learning them.

We use the sand timer to help us ‘Take Turns’ and we practised doing this in the Outdoor Learning Environment as we took turns with the ride-on trucks. In Art we worked together as we made collaborative collages and paintings, sharing the paper and taking turns with the resources with our friends.

‘Gentle Hands’ are always important and we have been showing the children what ‘Gentle Hands’ means by giving each other gentle cuddles and touches, and we then used our hands to make gentle handprints in the soft salt dough.

The children have used their ‘Kind Hearts’ as they share their ‘Show and Tell’ toys with their friends and have been busy using their ‘Kind Hearts’ to look after the babies in our Role-Play Area. The Kits have been changing the babies nappies, feeding them bottles of milk and putting them to sleep in the cots. A few of the children have baby brothers and sisters at home and it has been wonderful to hear how they have also used their ‘Kind Hearts’ at home to help care for their younger siblings.

Using ‘Walking Feet’ in the classroom is important so that the children don’t fall or hurt themselves and this can be quite a hard Classroom Principle to learn. However, the Kits practised this this week as we stepped in talcum powder and then walked across black paper, looking at the walking feet footsteps we left behind. We also walked the dinosaurs slowly across the playdough showing that we understand what the difference is between walking and running. 

It was a great week and we look forward to seeing the children again next week!


Squirrels News - 15th September 2023


Squirrels News - 8th September 2023