Squirrels News - 8th September 2023
It has been wonderful to welcome some of the previous Kits back for the new school year as Squirrels! They have all come into their new classroom happy and confident; ready to explore, ask questions and have been keen to engage with the adults as well as the other children.
As Squirrels there are differences to life as a Kit. The children now sit on carpet spots, we raise our hand to ask a question and try to consistently cross our legs during carpet time. The children have been trying very hard with all of these things and we have been so impressed at how well they have adapted to these changes. A big highlight for the Squirrels this week has been observing our class pet Tango the fish and he has become a firm favourite with the children.
There have been a lot of firsts for the new Squirrels within this short first week back. They had their first Spanish session with Mr Marc which they loved, singing and dancing along to the catchy music. We also had our first Outdoor Learning Day. It took us 30 minutes to walk there and back and although we had a couple of children say their legs were tired, after Snack Time they were all full of beans and ready to run around. On the way we spotted numbers on buses, different kinds of transport, spoke about the purpose of the black bin bags and the clear bin bags and noticed that the refuse collectors had picked it all up as we walked back to nursery.
This week we spoke about our Outdoor Learning Day rules including what to do if a dog comes up to us and the importance of not picking or licking things and staying inside the boundary of the cones in our ‘Safe Area’. We explained these rules are to keep them safe.
The children all did amazingly well, especially in such hot weather. We played amongst the trees and drank lots of water. We are extremely proud of them and can’t wait for more fun and learning next week!