Kits News - 8th September
The Kits have had a fabulous first week back at the nursery this week. We have loved hearing about their Summer holidays and are amazed to see how much they have grown! It has been wonderful to see their friendships being rekindled after the break and the children have been terrific at remembering our morning routine. We have also given a warm welcome to our new starters and have been very impressed at how quickly they have settled in.
It has been a hot week so we have made the most of the weather by spending lots of time in the Outdoor Learning Environment, playing with the water to cool ourselves down. We used jugs and cups to scoop and pour and funnels to fill bottles whilst strengthening our hand muscles and fine motor skills. We also engaged in sensory and imaginary play with the water as we made pretend potions, soups and drinks with lemons, limes and mint. We have also enjoyed spending time reading in the shade of the climbing frame in our reading den and developing our gross motor skills as we climbed up the ladder and climbing wall and jumped in the hoops.
During Cookery this week we made delicious ‘Cheese Savouries’. The children all took turns to help measure and mix the flour, butter and cheese together and then got their hands messy as they rolled, squeezed and patted the dough into different shapes ready to bake. We discussed the different ingredients used and had lovely conversations about baking at home with our families. The savouries smelt delicious while cooking and all the children were very excited to take them home at the end of the day.
During Art, the children have spent time engaging in a Free Art activity, exploring different methods of painting and choosing different materials to add texture and depth to their artwork. They all looked amazing when finished and we are very proud to hang them up in our first display of the term.