Kits News - 17th November 2023

This week our topic book was Circle Rolls by Barbara Kanninen and we used the book to support us with our leaning of shape. During Art we printed different shapes with sponges and made collages on different shaped paper. In Free Play we refined our fine motor skills as we stuck different shape stickers onto the table and also cut out shapes with the playdough and cutters. 

During our Focus Time activities, we have been looking at shapes in more detail as we made arrangements with them, creating ‘houses’ and ‘faces’ and matched the wooden shapes to those on the pattern boards. While learning about the different shapes we talked to the children about how many sides they have, what they look like and how many corners they have. The children have been learning the names of the shapes quickly and one child was very excited to tell his teacher that his half a rice cake was a “semicircle” at Snack Time!

While in the Outdoor Learning Environment we jumped on the shapes drawn on the floor and drew big and small circles on the chalkboards. We hunted for shapes on our Community Walk and the children were very excited to see the triangular and circular street signs as well as the rectangles and squares on the pavement and buildings. 

The highlight of the week was our Cookery Focus Time where we made sugar free shape biscuits. We talked about the different ingredients to the children before we started and they helped measure the flour, butter and honey before mixing it all together to make a dough. The children developed their hand strength as they moulded the dough and rolled it flat with a rolling pin before cutting out the biscuits ready to cook. They smelt delicious while cooking and the children were all very excited to take them home at the end of the day and show them to their parents!


Squirrels News - 17th November 2023


Squirrels News - 10th November 2023