Squirrels News - 17th November 2023
This week we have been thinking about colours in the Squirrel classroom. We decided what better way to do this than by visiting one of our favourite authors, Drew Daywalt and his book The Crayons Christmas. In the book the crayons are busy getting ready to celebrate the festive season and the children loved the funny text and wonderful illustrations. A few of the colours we paid particular attention to were pink, purple and grey as we sometimes confuse these colours or are simply unsure what they are called.
We used the book to develop the children's understanding of using colours to represent certain things and in Art we gave the children a coloured crayon and asked them to think of something which was that colour such as "a black cave" or "a red pomegranate." Elsewhere around the classroom the dinosaurs came out to play in the forest, we developed our cutting skills and number writing. Outside we built, counting how many blocks we had in our towers and drew wonderful pictures on the whiteboard.
At the start of the week we visited our elderly friends at 'Dew Drop Inn' and played the Matterhorn game with them where you had to be the first person to get all 6 of your counters to the top of the mountain by rolling the numbers 1-6 before your opponent. Everyone had a wonderful time and an invite was extended to the group to watch one of our Nativity rehearsals, which have been in full swing with the children getting increasingly more confident on the stage.
As we have been thinking about colour this week we looked out for colours on our walk to and from the common on the way to our Outdoor Learning Day and used various coloured crayons to create beautiful bark rubbings once we arrived.