Kits News - 29th September 2023

This week the Kits have been learning about Harvest Festival and to complement our learning we chose the book Old MacDonald. The children have loved singing the ‘Old MacDonald’ song during the week and we have also been busy practising our Harvest Festival songs.

We have been talking about farmyards and growing throughout the week and during our Art project we made our own farmyard scenes. We painted with mud to make a muddy field and then dipped the animals in paint and trod them all around the muddy field, leaving colourful footprints behind. The children loved exploring the different textures and ways of painting and developed their gross motor skills as they walked the animals through the mud. 

In the Outdoor Learning Environment we used spades and forks to dig for potatoes, carrots and onions and then later in the week we used our harvested vegetables to make vegetable soup. The children used knives to cut the precooked carrots and potatoes and then used the masher to mash them together.

We learnt that we could then blend the vegetables into a soup using a blender and that it was very sharp and only for adults to use. We then listened to the loud noise it made as we blended the vegetables together to make our delicious soup. The children loved eating the soup and we had some lovely conversations about what we eat at home and the different vegetables we like as we ate the soup at the table together. The children thought the soup was very tasty and asked for seconds and even thirds as they described it as ‘tasty’ and ‘yummy’!

Finally, at the end of the week we were very proud to invite our family and friends to our Harvest Festival service in the church with Rev Steve. Rev Steve reminded us about what plants need to grow and had a magical flower that grew very quickly! We were extremely proud of how well the Kits sang the Harvest songs and attentively listened to Rev Steve’s story. Well done Kits!


Kits News - 6th October 2023


Squirrels News - 29th September 2023