Kits News - 19th January 2024
The Kits had a great week this week and we spent the week focusing on our Classroom Principle ‘Taking Turns’. Our topic book to support our learning was It’s Not Yours It’s Mine! by Susanna Moores and the children have been practising sharing the resources with each other throughout the week. The children use the sand timer to support them when taking turns with the resources and this was practised with the ride-on trucks in the Outdoor Learning Environment as well as inside the classroom when playing with the toys.
The topic book is about sharing a ball and so we used this focus to continue learning about shape and size. In Maths we made different sized balls out of playdough and compared how big they were with each other, with some of the children extending the activity by also placing them in size order.
In Art we worked collaboratively to paint circles and did so using balls and the tuff spot. The children helped dip the balls in paint, placed them in the tuff spot and then worked together to lift the spot up and down, making the balls move back and forth over the cut-out circles. It was great fun, encouraged teamwork and left an amazing effect on the paper. The children also worked together to stick more circles on top, discussing the different sizes as they did so.
In Cookery we worked as a team to make pizzas together. The children developed their hand strength as they used plastic knives to cut the mushrooms and then spoons to spread the passata. They also added olives, sweetcorn and cheese on top. We discussed how we would share the pizzas after they had cooked and the children were proud to take their slice home at the end of the day.