Kits News - 19th May 2023

The Kits had an amazing week this week and on Thursday we had our annual visit to Tooting Fire Station. The coach journey there was great fun and the children were very good at listening to their teachers’ instructions to climb onto the big seats before being strapped in and heading off.

The 'White Watch' Fire Fighters of Tooting Fire Station were amazing with the children and we loved seeing all their equipment which we learnt about in our Focus Time the day before. We heard the Fire Engine siren (which was very loud!) and looked at all the equipment such as the 'Jaws of Life' and the different size hoses. The children had the opportunity to sit inside the engine and loved looking at all the different screens and buttons inside. The highlight of the trip however was definitely was the chance to squirt water from the fire hose. The children helped the fire fighter to pull the leaver on the hose and watched as water sprayed all over the forecourt.

Prior to the trip and throughout the week we have been learning about the role of firefighters. Our Role Play Area has been set up as a fire station and the children have been climbing into their cardboard box fire engines and putting out fires with their cardboard fire hoses. They have been busy calling for help on the phone and learning how to call 999 to contact the emergency services. In Art we painted big boxes which we transformed into buildings with flames coming out of them and worked together to paint big flames which we then pretended to put out with our hoses.

We have also been developing our communication and language skills and imagination as we engaged in Small World play with the fire station, placing the firefighters inside the engines and practising taking turns with the resources with our friends.


Squirrels News - 19th May 2023


Squirrels News - 12th May 2023