Kits News - 20th October 2023

The Kits topic this week was Hooray for Fish by Lucy Cousins. The children have demonstrated an interest in sea creatures and activities related to the book have given us a great opportunity to develop the children’s imaginative play as well as their communication and language as we introduce new vocabulary. 

In our Art activity the children chose different strips of blue tissue paper and ribbon to make ‘under the sea’ backgrounds and then once dry, printed brightly coloured fish over the top using paint and sponges. As we painted our pictures the children got their hands messy and some of them like this more than others. For those children who are not sure about touching the messy sponges we reassured them that it was okay and that it could be washed off after. For all the children, cleaning their hands after messy play activities teaches them independence as they learn how to wash them using soap and water and to place the towel in the bin once they have finished drying.  

During our Communication and Language Focus Time we expanded our vocabulary as we researched and learnt about different types of fish and sea creatures. The children sat with their teachers in small groups and we looked at photos of the different creatures in books and on the iPad together. We discussed internet safety while using the iPads and how we look through pictures with an adult to make sure we don’t see anything we shouldn’t. The children all then used their fingers to scroll down the different pictures and we discussed the animals we could see. We talked about their different names, where they live and the different sea creatures we’ve seen on TV and in real life.

We have also been continuing our learning about number recognition and during our Maths Focus Time activity we went fishing for numbered fish. The children used the magnetic fishing rods to catch the fish and we talked about the numbers on them, matching them to those on the cards on the table. 

It was a great week and we look forward to seeing the children again after half term.


Squirrels News - 20th October 2023


Squirrels News - 13th October 2023