Kits News - 30th March 2023

The Kits had a great end of term and over the last week and a half we have been learning about the festivals of Easter and Ramadan. During these weeks we have engaged in a range of Art activities such as decorating Easter Eggs and printing stars on crescents for Ramadan. These activities helped to deepen the children’s understanding of the festivals through conversations with their teachers and also helped to develop their fine motor skills as they teared the paper to decorate their Easter Eggs with and used different objects to print with paint. 

While learning about Easter we also explored weight. We filled plastic Easter eggs with different objects such as stones, wood and pompoms and the children were fascinated to explore the different weights, comparing objects which looked the same but felt different. We placed the eggs on the balancing scales and the children spent time rearranging the different combinations until they balanced. We extended this activity further by exploring sinking and floating during our Science Focus Time, where we experimented with a selection of different objects and tested how many things we could load onto plastic boats before they sank. 

While learning about Ramadan the children loved our topic book ‘First Festivals – Ramadan’ by Ladybird, and enjoyed discussing the different traditions as we read the story to them. In our Expressive Art and Design Focus Time we developed our gross motor skills as we danced to Islamic music. The children waved their scarves up high and down low and listened in awe to the men and women singing. 

The end of term was filled with some of our special annual events such as our Easter Bonnet Parade and our Easter Egg hunt. The children made the Easter bonnets with their Mummies a couple of weeks ago during our ‘Bring Mummy to School Day’ and were very proud to wear them on a parade outside the nursery. The children then also wore their hats back through the Pensioners Lounge to show the lovely members of the ‘Dew Drop Inn’ their amazing creations. 

We hope you all have a wonderful Easter and look forward to seeing the children in the Summer Term.


Squirrels News - 30th March 2023


Kits News - 17th March 2023