Kits News - 8th December 2023
The Kits have had a wonderful week this week and we have continued to embrace the festive spirit. The children have been spending time learning more about the Nativity story and have enjoyed playing with the characters in small-world play throughout the week. In our Communication and Language Focus Time we retold the Nativity story in small groups and the children drew pictures of their favourite characters on their activity sheets, recalling scenes, roles and events from our own Nativity play.
Our role-play area has been set up as a ‘Christmas Home Corner’ and the children have been busy looking through Christmas food magazines and deciding what delicious festive dishes to cook their friends. We have been very lucky to have been cooked ‘mince pies’ and ‘turkey’ by the children and they all tasted delicious when served to their teachers. The children have been very helpful in decorating our Christmas tree with tinsel and baubles and developed their balance as they stretched up to the highest branches. We also talked about giving and receiving gifts at Christmas and how it is kind to give to others as we wrapped pretend presents. The children also refined their fine motor and cutting skills as they wrapped them with paper and Sellotape.
Dance with Miss Jade from Inspire Dance School is always a weekly favourite with the children and this week Miss Jade added a festive twist to her lesson. The children loved exploring different Christmas props such tinsel wands, reindeer antlers and bells as they danced to festive music and pretended to go on adventures with Father Christmas to the North Pole. They also had great fun developing their gross motor skills and arm strength as they threw fake snow balls in a ‘snow ball’ fight. Laughing as they hit each other and their teachers too!